Support and Resources in Trinidad & Tobago
LOCATION: Milton Road, Couva
CONTACT: Pundit Bramdeo Maharaj (Co-ordinator/ Counselor)
PROGRAM SERVICES OFFERED: Drug Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or Reinsertion) 3 Month Residential Program
ADMISSION: Intake day is scheduled based on client’s needs. Clients must agree to adhere to facility rules.
Centre: 767-1236
Administrator: 791-7902
Pundit Maharaj: 726-4549
Pundit Maharaj:
LOCATION: Centre Mt. St. Benedict, St. Augustine
CONTACT: Ms. Huslie Bhagan (Administrator/ Clinical Director)
PROGRAM SERVICES OFFERED: Drug Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or Reinsertion) 90-Day Treatment Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation, Reinsertion Program Outpatient/ Interventions/ Family Support Program
ADMISSION: By Appointment Monday to Friday-9.00am to 3.00pm Age-14 and above Must be accompanied by 2 support persons who will be willing to participate in family sessions
Mt St Benedict Office: 297-5166
24-hour hotline: 397-2593
LOCATION: Beach Road, Palo Seco
CONTACT: Ms Gale Campbell (Program Coordinator)
PROGRAM SERVICES OFFERED: 90-Day Treatment Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation, Reinsertion Program Outpatient/ Interventions/ Family Support Program
ADMISSION: By Appointment Monday to Friday-9.00am to 3.00pm Age-14 and above Must be accompanied by 2 support persons who will be willing to participate in family sessions
Palo Seco Office: 387-2598
LOCATION: Dindial Trace, Piparo
CONTACT: Ms. Joella Taylor (Program Director)
PROGRAM SERVICES OFFERED: Drug Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or Reinsertion). Program Duration is 9-12 Months.
ADMISSION: Intake Day- Wednesdays Only between the hours of 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. The potential client MUST be 1. A male substance abuser 2. Age 18 years or older 3. Admit to being an addict and is WILLING to receive treatment 4. Must produce the original and recent copy (not older than 4 months) of the results of a tuberculosis test and the results of an HIV test 5. A note from a medical doctor stating if the potential client is or is not physically fit to participate in physical activities at the PEC.
Centre: 623-2608 ext. 3000-3005
LOCATION: Charlotte Street, Port-of-Spain
CONTACT: Mr. Steve Richards (Project Director)
PROGRAM SERVICES OFFERED: Treatment, rehabilitation, detoxification, outreach services and counseling
ADMISSION: The potential client MUST be 1. A male substance abuser, 18 years and older. 2. Admit to being an addict and is WILLING to receive treatment 3. Admission- Monday to Friday from 10am to 12 noon. 4. On entry client will be taken for HIV AND OTHER STI’s testing. 5.A note from a medical doctor stating if the potential client is or is not physically fit to participate in physical activities at Rebirth House. 6.Length of Program: 3 months minimum. Contribution: $750.00 per month.
Centre: 623-0952, 789-4799
Fax: 627-8894
LOCATION: Cochrane Village, Guapo, Pt. Fortin
CONTACT: Ms. Beverly Morson (Program Director)
PROGRAM SERVICES OFFERED: Outreach Residential Treatment & Rehabilitation Services
ADMISSION: Mondays & Wednesdays between 8 :00am & 4:00pm Requirements: include a complete medical, HIV, Mantoo and STI tests, and Covid symptom free, Psych evaluation, history and medication if any. Duration: Program is based on readiness not time, however a person can stay on the program up to one year.
Administrator: 648-5401, 794-7980, 328-6298
LOCATION: 45 St. Ann’s Road, St. Ann’s
CONTACT: Dr. Ian Hypolite (Medical Chief of Staff)
Administrator: 624-7834
Fax: 624-7834
LOCATION: Caura Royal Road, El Dorado
CONTACT: Dr. Winston Gopaul (Medical Doctor)
PROGRAM SERVICES OFFERED: Treatment, Rehabilitation, Inpatient (6 weeks duration), Outpatient (6 weeks duration), Counselling, Group, Individual Therapy
ADMISSION: Assessment- Thursdays 9am-12pm Admission criteria:- 1. Must be at least 18 years old 2. Meet criteria for substance use disorder 3. motivated to participate in treatment 4. Comorbid medical and psychiatric conditions stabilized prior to admission
Administrator: 662-2211, 645-4630
LOCATION: 146 Bonair Road, Off Guaico Tamana Road, Sangre Grande, Trinidad. W.I.
CONTACT: Satrohan Singh
PROGRAM SERVICES OFFERED: Drug Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or Reinsertion)
Contact: 682-4170, 373-8045, 393-7338, Fax: 675-9071
LOCATION: Toco Main Road, Matura
CONTACT: Mr. Keith Stewart (Manager)
PROGRAM SERVICES OFFERED: Drug Treatment (Assessment, Treatment, Rehabilitation or Reinsertion)
Contact: 668-0660, 355-2951